The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is a trusted advisor to governments worldwide, helping them transform the way they provide health services. Established in Viet Nam in 2006, our dedicated team collaborates with additional technical staff at both regional and global levels. We work in close partnership with the Vietnamese government throughout every health program we undertake to ensure our impact is transformative and sustainable. Our collaborations span all stages -from initial design and program implementation to policy development and evaluation—to support government ownership and sustainability.

Key Partners

  • • Ministry of Health
  • • Ministry of Education & Training
  • • National TB Control Program/National Lung Hospital
  • • National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
  • • National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology
  • • General Department of Preventative Medicine
  • • Viet Nam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control
  • • Departments of Health and CDCs at provincial levels

Active Programs

  • • Assistive Technologies
  • • Health financing
  • • Hepatitis
  • • Hypertension & diabetes
  • • Malaria
  • • Tuberculosis
  • • Vaccines